Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Who Is Unknown Name Unknown Number

After these days of intermittent rain, yesterday I could make my last shoot long.
Initially the race was to make 10 km after a few days of inactivity, but the proximity of the Media in Los Palacios, forced me to feel confident about a long distance, so I plucked up courage and completed 15.222 km in a time of 1 : 30:47, at an average pace of 6:11 per km.
This training puts an end to the long distances, having made runs of more than 10km on the last Sunday, stretching up to 16km in some cases.
Now, just a couple of workouts this week, a little control in food and plenty of rest to meet the challenge to finish a half marathon.
Everything is ready.
"IACT Alea est


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