Friday, December 5, 2008

Inspiring Quotes Said By Latinos Latinos


By increasing the rate of training or a sedentary person started appearing stiffness.

Shoelaces are annoying and painful muscles and appear after intense exercise. In 1902 he first formulated microrrotura theory, it is mentioned that the myalgia appears after sports practice, be explained by any scientific literature as a torn muscle fibers in a minimum.

Formerly it was said that the soreness was crystallization of lactic acid and that these crystals were breaking the muscle fibers, thus the name of today is shown that they are produced by crystallization of lactic acid, for three reasons:
· In a muscle biopsy did not appear lactic acid Mc
· disease. Ardle (no lactic acid can occur if you have soreness)
• Elimination of lactic acid 1 hour after the end of the sport

eccentric contractions are mainly responsible for the more ag ujetas because they produce the greatest muscle breakdown structures (microroturas).

Shoelaces are a group of pain symptoms that appear after a predominantly eccentric muscle work after 24 hours and the maximum feeling comes at 48 or 72 hours, the muscles feel tense, contracted with some pain movement and palpation of the area.

To avoid the dreaded pain caused by these complaints are practicing different solutions, such as water with lemon and sugar are a myth and do not work to remove the laces, it is recommended to do the same exercise but with less intensity and perform stretching at the end of training.

Ultimately the crujimientos not disappear with any medicine but can be cut back at work the area with a similar activity but with less intensity, not eccentric activity (laser therapy, ultrasound, ice packs or massage does not serve to eliminate shoelaces). TIPS TO AVOID

  • Start the exercises gently and progress gradually.

  • Wait 4 / 6 weeks to introduce more intensive sessions to allow tendons and bones adapt to the activity performed.

  • Perform stretching at the end of training.

Tips To Treat

  • Working again affected area but with less intensity, can reduce the sensation of pain.

  • also applied non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, mainly painkillers ibuprofen and even aspirin reaching such positive results, reducing inflammation and pain sensation but can not assist or help restore normal muscle function. It is understood that the laces are injury muscle that closely follows the usual pattern of regeneration inflammatory, so that the use of anti-inflammatory drugs to prevent or speed recovery would in principle not very useful.


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