Thursday, March 22, 2007

Second Herpes Outbreak

kekkonshiki 結婚式 (ampliacion)

to popular request after receiving a couple of pictures (finally), I return the little matter of the Japanese that recently graduated and married quickly .. . here you can see for yourself as a wedding (to call it as they said it was called) in a student residence ... before I forget, that pink dress (pastel) had rings, it is not a tail that is seen, but the damn ring that prevented anyone near the girl (a plant a few kisses, for example) without encountering the dress and kicked to become involved ...

the "salon" or wedding where he spent the whole thing, not much bigger than that you are seeing in these photos ... in fact, was barely enough room all these people, is a multipurpose room (a room with a TV that is usually closed) and where, from time to time, we say that there is a party, similar to what we saw that day, tables with things eating and drinking y. .. hopefully ... music heard ... until it reaches standard and then if you hear music and dancing (by rule) to the sound of ... whatever, even regeton!
standard (of Colombia and resident here since 4 years old) was not at this event, but was traveling with her boyfriend (Japanese) very happy ... so yesterday I was commenting on the play and did not credit, which makes me suspect that this is a very rare, timely and exceptional, but a kind of "fashion" or custom ... although this month has heard of weddings (caps) from various sources (Nippon) ... standard counters that statistically the average age of the Japanese who marry is 28 years (say, similar to English, 29 including 27 of them ... oops! my turn this year! lol ...), but it counter-argue that if I take two cafes and she none, the statistics would say that we took one apiece ...
what gets me to wonder about how they establishes investigate the mean age at marriage ...
(I've been researching, briefly, and I have to update data ... please visit the following link: here ... we got married even later than I thought ...)
not matter in the bottom national average (in Japan or wherever), standard, and of course myself, we were at a wedding intrigadisimos similar characteristics. ..

rule suggested that it is very strange that neither family was involved in the binding, and no appearance, but have consented to a marriage of their children in little more than a garage (when they at least put tablecloths, which the usual festivities, there ...) as you see in the pictures ...
So, the story takes a twist (unexpected) and suggests that in the house, Japanese do not like it China and them married, have had no support of any kind ...
posts to speculate (and discard the pregnancy ...) gave us to discuss the future of these two ... and agree that in any case, if we find out, we will surely with a tremendous history worthy of the best movies and no less bad literature ...
what will be what has made these two children of 23-24 years are married in these conditions?
why hurry if you do not have enough money for a more conventional ceremony and it works?
are they really so stingy?
what do you think?

I still think that is nothing but self-deception (promoted by public and private institutions) the best married couples ...
not promptly let standard, get married, especially it does not give points for anything, quite the contrary ...
but who knows, because apparently when you get married or have a child, the company (I guess not all) of your salary goes up ... if you are already married (and son) that's what saved ... but of course, will surely pay more for a married to a single ... Jajaja

so we spent an hour or more ...

Que Sera, Sera?

gossips in pure ...

ps. about my academic work, well thanks ... up and calmly


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