Saturday, March 10, 2007

Gold Plated Desert Eaglw

kekkonshiki 結婚式 

this means wedding ...
and had a right here, yesterday, internal ...
I could not get my hands on any, so no photos ...

is about yesterday and last week ... hehe ... I know about the wedding on Wednesday, would be held on Friday between 18 and 22 ... whether in the dorm 留学生 会馆 that as you can guess, is not enabled for banquets, weddings, baptisms and communions ... although we have a room uses "multiple" ... we see that also includes wedding ...

but let's be honest ... This was not a wedding, how much is said and kekkonsiki 结婚 式 式 siki is that, ceremony ... in fact not very different from the usual "party" that we have held from time to time, with various excuses (welcome, Christmas, etc.), unless the guests, mostly Japanese, were dressed in costumes much more elegant (especially those ), and had tablecloths ... hehe
other difference is that there was a Japanese kimono and the bride ... well ... the truth is that when you get the picture of the bride will see better than that was more a mock wedding, a wedding itself ... could even have been a travesty of marriage if it were not real and neither was the audience in no doubt about it now ...

the know the whole story, and what little is coming from Japanese sources in Japanese (and a little English ...), so what I will need filling with speculation and conjecture ...
the facts are, two young, a Japanese and a Chinese, a college end Monday in March and married on Friday of next week ... in the presence of friends but not relatives, not even parents ...
dating, if there (keep in mind that it is an exchange student) has not been longer than two years ... but this, today, almost anyway ...
she does not expect any child in the next few weeks (or months), there have been a penalty ... (Although it still uses this expression? Sound old ...)
haste, may be based on visas and residence and work papers ... in fact, seems to be much easier to hire you to be married (and who knows if both children ... to not get in the conversation) that single ... even if the married have less experience or no ...
as both are students and poor but "need" to marry, are holding this ceremony at the cheapest place to find, the residence of international students, since the boyfriend has relationships with the group that organizes parties here ...
is quite austere ceremony, participate in it costs 2000 yen (12 €) and starts at 18pm. to end at 22h., proceeds are used to cover the cost of sushi and beer ...
girlfriend borrow a dress first communion at a Japanese high ... or rent the princess costume fairy tale genre in any shop ... The other guests wear clothes more or less current ...
eat, drink, read good intentions, good intentions, good wishes, speeches here and there, and little else is provided ... two hours later he picks up against time and before 22h. the bride and dresses in street (substantially improving their appearance ...) and few guests are rushing the remains of sushi y. .. green tea ... beers are over an hour ago ...

my view, was something almost grotesque ... only wish someone filmed it, with little, would have said it is a travesty, a gross criticizes consumerism, which is a reference work of current cinematography (exaggerating course) ... but it was an authentic ceremony, and it makes a real drama ... I would say even a horror movie ...

is apparently common for recent graduates to marry as soon possible, in fact, my lab partners have attended several weddings of fellow recently ...
initially gave little importance, because in Spain there are also many people who get married young even without other necessities of life covered ... but the surprise is that here is almost the reverse ... to have those basic needs met, it is necessary to marry ... to the point of carrying two teenagers of 22-23 years-such ceremonies carestia drills before the student characteristic of this age ...
come to understand that once achieved a certain level of income (and I assume some level of emotional stability ... hehe) is not uncommon to be held, again, a wedding with more pomp and opulence ...
then have the first child (and now, the only ...) and she left her work, which certainly did not expect much to promote (I'm told there are jobs "special" for women with limited career paths ... limited to the first son ...) and spend to live on the salary of the (somewhat better after a few years accumulating "points" of experience) and work part time from her ...

and arcade is constructed so happy in this country ...

the lad (or lass), will grow beset by the need to enter the university (which in itself is not difficult, but take note and be able to choose a good university if ...) and get a good job, good salary (and not have to marry any more graduate. .. hehe ...) y. ..

fun, right?

you will say that I am an exaggerated ... but that's because you have not seen what I saw here on Friday ... and not because the couple were about memos that have believed the story and lived happily ever after, but because they were not, made my hair stand on end the whole thing ...

javier, half joking and half serious, I ask the boyfriend (later to congratulate and talk a little in our homespun Japanese ...), you happy? (Such Once the problem was this, I ask you're happy and not happy ?...) and groom, who was not very happy in itself, was somewhat less satisfied (aun. ..) and it takes one or two seconds that if one of those if you loose because you have no choice ... you want to tell you, no? this is a ... if uresi desu ...

the beauty of this story (and we have not all thrown into the river with a stone in the neck) is that they want a lot ... hehe ... I hope they last ... you will need ...

and comment me ...


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