Monday, April 12, 2010

Prom Wear 2010 Manila

Eagle city (mixed media on paper)

EAGLE ON CITY (29 x 69 cms. mixed media on paper)

"Sometimes, I approach the window of my old apartment.
the open, I turn my face up, take a deep breath and daydream:
"We're not in the year 2364 ...
(but that's the year)
" The man has returned to the countryside, in harmony with Mother Nature ...
(but we deforest the planet)
"The world is not as harsh as in the early twenty-first century ...
(but half the world still at war with the other half)
" We'll have one moon
(but we have two from the planetary cataclysm 2301)
-oil reserves to replenish ...
(but for decades we have no oil)
"In heaven an eagle across the sky, free before my eyes ...
(but no longer is not one of its kind)
- Everything that happens in front of my room ...
(but my room gives a closed courtyard)
Sometimes I go to the window of my old apartment,
the open, I turn my face up, take a deep breath, and sleep-wake ...
but I can only dream that I see those things, because
not see anything from the month of March, 2301
-year one that I was blinded the planetary cataclysm.
Nobody told the children, not even to look at the sky that day.
Now I'm just a blind old man, who still daydream.


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