Friday, April 24, 2009

Male Sperm Smells Like Fish

dry planet (oil on canvas)

"Probably should feel bad dinner. Many prawns "Carrefour" (supply) to the plate can not be good. More if you've served with mayonnaise seasoned with garlic and sprinkled with champagne "Dubois." The truth is that I woke up startled and sweating, due to the terrible nightmare that had just taken:
To our dear planet Earth is just to break the layer that protects us from outer space, as if a glass bubble is involved. The consequence was that the entire ocean mass we have, escaped through that hole, wasting away in the universe. Curious what the dream was that all the precious liquid is not spread through the space, but ended up in a kind of inert gap in the middle of nowhere, in turn creating a new life of a vegetable nature in water.
The paradox of the nightmare was that the destruction of the planet had just given new life as if it were a good thing ...
- Wow, What a bad time!
"Luckily it was just a nightmare.
"From now on I will not ever eat copiously.
(and less supply of shrimp "Carrefour")


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