三重 大学 2007 入学 式 Or, open course at the University of mie!
already spend more than two weeks before the opening of the new course, but as better late than ever, today released ...
if you look, there is little difference between the opening and closing, if not for the kimonos of the first and the second environment
if at the close, the club replaced the family had not been able to attend estudante graduation of the shift, this time, those same clubs, rushed to a particular battle to attract followers or partners or members (this sounds nasty little word, no?) between the new (novice) students newcomers, camaraderie, and trajeaditos asustaditos ...
this time I stumbled in surprise ceremony and already knew what was going ... but did not see my friends in the club photo ... sleeping?
as always, I cole in despite warnings from some well-known ...
this time I put on the site well, as indicated by the cartel KOGAKUBU
but basically was the same as in the previous ceremony, I guess the speech was something different
the rector would say something like, come on guys, that you have to study hard and will become good people ... and if anyone thinks for itself, which has come back from where ... (OK, is a free translation, but who knows if he said something like that ...)
also were the choir, but the photo came out blurry ...
outside the atmosphere was almost carnival
, groups or clubs with the possibility of live performance, they lost the opportunity ...
everyone was chasing the "novice"
not know if the club wins or more partners, but it seemed a souk that ...
some showed their "merchandise" live
not many parents were seen as in
graduation than I think I got more fans, were archery Japanese, and those long skirts and these poses are very ... suggestive?
girls in red are those that act at festivals and dance in a choreographed group more or less simple
the martial arts not let pass the opportunity to display their combat outfits ...
type sports clubs also rugby and football were out there
and archery
though I hope not to do a demonstration
with this type of target ...
days later, on the same site, all clubs would make a formal official presentation for one day ... but that's another story ...
and not very funny, because it was the authentic souk, looking for the rookie picks day-suckers ...
and I had to tell my co-club, because they had not heard ... Grasp
5 ... hehehe or more ...
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