Monday, July 20, 2009

Shingles And Irriatable


To all who have joined us since the beginning and even before our existence, those who gave birth to our side this simple and straightforward project, those here and beyond, all of you to make AlgoVaSalir family thank you immensely and wish them a HAPPY DAY FRIEND.
"All my friends are my estate"
Emily Dickinson
* Dedicated to our friend Milton Sebastian Moral *

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Is Dr Madhu Best Hair Transplant Dr In India

VOYEUR (series of 4 works)

(inks, 22 x34 inches each)

HISTORY - can know that you do with the binoculars? Shouted at my back my roommate-
"Really, I ..." he stammered, "is clearly caught in the front floor, there are a handful of universities that are changing and ...
-go, I'm sharing a roof pervert, right?
-not that woman. We all move the curiosity to see what others are doing without being observed. Is natural and you too sure you like.
- Are you calling me "voyeur"? "He cried
-not just I'm saying that we all love spying on people.
-my no. Sharp-cut-
And the final word came visibly cross about the door. The damage had been done. Low would serve to explain that he was preparing a series of drawings inspired by what he saw through the window.
At midnight I was awakened by a noise in the room. My companion was not next to me and it surprised me. I got up and went to the place from which came the noise. What a surprise I got to turn on the light and see my friend with binoculars looking through the window. He turned sharply and whispered:
-off light, silly
- What are you doing? "I said
"Really, I ... I'm looking at the couple's apartment across the street. They are stripping ..
-going "I told him that I'm sharing a flat with a pervert.
-no, I'm just taking a taste to that of being a "voyeur"