VOYEUR (series of 4 works) (inks, 22 x34 inches each)
HISTORY - can know that you do with the binoculars? Shouted at my back my roommate-
"Really, I ..." he stammered, "is clearly caught in the front floor, there are a handful of universities that are changing and ...
-go, I'm sharing a roof pervert, right?
-not that woman. We all move the curiosity to see what others are doing without being observed. Is natural and you too sure you like.
- Are you calling me "voyeur"? "He cried
-not just I'm saying that we all love spying on people.
-my no. Sharp-cut-
And the final word came visibly cross about the door. The damage had been done. Low would serve to explain that he was preparing a series of drawings inspired by what he saw through the window.
At midnight I was awakened by a noise in the room. My companion was not next to me and it surprised me. I got up and went to the place from which came the noise. What a surprise I got to turn on the light and see my friend with binoculars looking through the window. He turned sharply and whispered:
-off light, silly
- What are you doing? "I said
"Really, I ... I'm looking at the couple's apartment across the street. They are stripping ..
-going "I told him that I'm sharing a flat with a pervert.
-no, I'm just taking a taste to that of being a "voyeur"